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Monede medievale şi moderne descoperite în localitatea Pleşeşti, judeţul Suceava / Medieval Coins Discovered at Pleşeşti – Suceava County

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The paper presents some unpublished coins discovered at Pleşeşti - Vultureşti commune, Suceava county, from the ancient collection of the Coin Room of the Library of Romanian Academy, now belonging to the National History Museum of Romania. It were found six coins: 1 groat struck by tzar Ivan Sracimir of Vidin in 1375-1376, a variant belonging to the 2M chronological group; 1/2 groat issued in 1560 by Sigismund August for the Great Duchy of Lithuania; 3 groats struck in 1591 by Sigismund III for Poland; 15 kreutzers from 1807 from the Mint of Vienna: 3 kreutzers 1828 issued by Francisc I at the Mint of Kremnitz for the Austrian Empire; 3 kreutzers 1800 issued by Francisc II at the Mint of Alba Iulia (Karlsburg) - Transylvania, for Austria, during the Holly Roma Empire.
The most important coin, from historical point of view, is the groat of Vidin, variant issued in a small quantity and for a short period (1375-1376). Only two Bulgarian coins are known in Moldavia until now - one is from Buruieneşti, commune of Doljeşti, Neamţ county (1985) and the other is from Smulţi, Galaţi county (1973). This coins were issued by Ivan Sracimir, tzar of Vidin. The coins issued by Ivan Alexander and Michael tzars of Târnovo were found only in the Buruieneşti hoard (information Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu).
The Bulgarian coins arrived in Moldavia by the trade made of the towns Sibiu and Braşov from Transylvania with Balkan countries, Poland and the areas of the mouths of the Danube and the Black Sea. These towns also held the commercial privileges for the trade with the Adriatic region - via Zara. Another route was through Wallachia. On that route, the town of Vidin was a very important commercial meeting place the circulation of the coins of Vidin was stimulated by the great trade of the Pontic and Baltic area. Pleşeşti, the place were found to, was placed near the ramification of the road that started from Suceava and arrived to the Danube and the Black Sea, passing through the town of Fălticeni.
The I6th – 17th Polish coins are common to the monetary currency of Moldavia. They circulated very much, used as small or middle value coins during the period when Moldavia did not issue its own coinage. They came by the classic trade on the road along the Siret River, or were brought by the mercenaries.
The Austrian coins are specific to the monetary currency in the 18th-19th centuries after the changing of the trade's direction as a result of a weakening of the Ottoman monopoly, after the Russian, Austrian and Turkish wars.
Paginaţia 161-167
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  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; VII; anul 1996