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Noi descoperiri de monede moldoveneşti în regiunea de nord-est a Mării Negre / New finds of Moldavian Coins in the North-East region of the Black Sea

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Excerpt This article presents 33 coin findings from various locations in Ukraine and in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The information about these coins was collected during recent years from different web sources from Ukraine and Moldova. The coins are Moldavian issues minted between the 14th and the 16th centuries.
In the Odessa region the 15 coins found are issues from Alexander I (1399/1400-1431): half groats – 1 specimen of the first type and 9 specimens of the fifth type; Iliaş I: one half groat of the forth type; Stephan III (1457-1504): two groats of the first and second type. Another two coins could not be identified with precision. They are half groats from Alexander I or Iliaş I (1432-1442, with interruptions) and from Alexander I, Iliaş I or Stephan II (1433-1447, with interruptions).
Moldavian coins were also found on the banks of the lower Dnieper River. The fifth type groat from the reign of Iliaş I was found in the Dnipropetrovsk region; the second one – the groat from the common reign of Iliaş I and Stephan II (1436-1442) in the Kherson region.
On the Crimean peninsula 16 coin specimens were found. They cover a long period of time, being issued during the 14th – 16th centuries. These findings are: one groat and two groat imitattions from the reign on Peter I (1375-1391/1392); two groats of the first type, two half groats of the fifth type and one imitation from Alexander I; one groat of the fifth type from Iliaş I; one groat of the single type from the common reign of Iliaş I and Stephan II; one groat of the first type from Stephan III; one groat of the single type from Stephan IV (1517-1527); and last four copper coins – akce from John III (1572-1574).
The spread of Moldavian currency in the North-East Pontic region shows several concentration areas: the Odessa region, the lower Dnieper River and the Crimean region. Actually these centers coincide with a commercial trade route, known from the written sources of the 14th – 15th centuries. The Southern part of the “Moldavian trade route” connected Moldova and Crimea through the Black Sea (by Cetatea Alba) and/or by overland, passing the steppes North of the Black Sea. This branch of the trade route was known also as the “Tartar road".
Findings of Moldavian coins from John III in the Crimean region have a different origin. Probably, such copper coins arrived here after 1574, after the defeat in the war with the Ottoman Empire and after plundering raids undertaken by Crimean Tartars.
Paginaţia 235-249
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  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XVI; anul 2010