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Monede moldoveneşti din Colecţia Alessandrescu păstrate la Cabinetul Numismatic al Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României (II) / Moldavian Coins from the Alessandrescu Collection Kept at the Coin Room of the National History Museum of Romania (II)

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The purpose of this article is to present the rest of 111 Moldavian coins, minted by Alexandru I Muşat. The coins are part of Alessandrescu’s collection, the coins issued by Petru I having been analysed in a previous article.
The article is divided in two parts, the first one being dedicated to the presentations of the coins, while the second part contains the results of the X-Ray Fluorescence analyses performed on these coins. These analyses help us to see the precisse quantity of silver contained by the coins, a quantity that could mark the monetary reforms that occurred during the reign of Alexander I of Moldavia.
Paginaţia 77-120
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; XVIII; anul 2012
Editura Publicat de: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
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