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Tezaurul monetar de la Fureşti, judeţul Argeş / The Coin Hoard from Fureşti, Argeş County

  • Numismatică antică şi bizantină (Ancient and Byzantine Numismatics)  Articolele semnate de autor
Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The paper presents a monetary hoard made up of Roman Republican and early Imperial denarii discovered by chance in the summer of 2020, with the metal detector, in a forest from Fureşti village (Dobreşti commune) located in the hilly area of Argeş County. The discovery was followed by a test excavation, which revealed the existence in that place, on the top of the hill, of an ancient pathway used since prehistory and marked in the field by a row of tumulus graves dating back probably from the Bronze Age. The hoard, consisting of 25 denarii issued between 140-13 BC, is discussed in the context of the other archeological and numismatic findings of the micro-region, with which it has many similarities, such as the hoards from Cetăţeni, Strâmba, Valea Nenii and Voineşti.
Paginaţia 35-53
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; nr. în TOM: XXVII; anul 2021
    • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; nr. în TOM: XXVII; anul 2021
    • Intră pe volum