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Un inel sigilar descoperit la Lereşti, jud. Argeş. Probleme de datare / A Signet-Ring Discovered at Lereşti, Argeş County. Remarks on the Dating

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Excerpt During the archaeological excavation from 1966 it was discovered a signet-ring in a tomb of the cemetery from Lereşti, Argeş County. The ring holds the image of a bird on the seal and a circular legend with the name "Lăudat" around it.
The signet-ring was dated in the if century, although it looks like one of the 16th century, but the name on the seal, "Lăudat", had been found only in documents from the middle of the 17th century.
We hope the problem will be solved when the notices about this excavation will be found and published.
Paginaţia 237-239
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  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; VII; anul 1996