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Alte monede greceşti şi romane republicane din tezaurul descoperit la Zimnicea, jud. Teleorman / Other Greek and Roman Republican Coins From the Hoard Discovered at Zimicea, Teleorman County

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Recently the authors had the opportunity to study 11 coins from a private collection (five drachms of Dyrrhachium and six Roman republican denarii) from the hoard found at Zimnicea over 20 years ago. For the moment the total of coins from this hoard reached a number of 21 pieces (11 Dyrrhachian drachms and 10 Roman republican denarii).
As a novelty the batch studied above contains a drachm (no. 1) from the IVth group established by N. Conovici, the rest being from the Vth group. The majority of the Roman republican denarii from this lot are older than the previous one (five coins from the second part of the 2nd century B.C.), only one being from the ninth decade of the 1th century B.C. The date of the latest coin it remain the same (84-83 B.C.). As an isolated find from Zimnicea, without connection with the hoard of drachms and Roman republican denarii, in collection is also a denarius of Antoninus Pius.
Paginaţia 35-38
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  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; VII; anul 1996