Două mici tezaure descoperite în Ţara Românească / Two small hoards found in Wallachia
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Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | The article presents two small hoards concealed in the years following the reign of Michael the Brave: Ologi hoard (today Crângu commune), Teleorman County and the hoard from Fundeni (once a village near Bucharest, today a residential district of the Capital). The first hoard consists of three Imperial thalers (Hungary 1604 issued by Rudolph II, Tyrol – Archduke Ferdinand I issued in Hall mint, undated and the Archbishopric of Salzburg, issued by Archbishop Wolfgang Theodore von Raitenau, also undated. The author asserts that, this three thalers represent a mercenary’s one month pay. The coins could have entered the country earlier than the date of concealment. They might have been used in commerce or not and that they were buried after 1604. The second find also reflects the instable period of time of the wars waged by Michael the Brave and his successors. The coins come from Poland (half-groats, triple groats, six groats) and are conected to war and mercenary payments. The half-groat coins, issued in 1565 and 1568, are pierced; this indicates that they were part of a necklace. The oldest coin is a Hungarian dinar from 1557 struck at Kremnitz by Ferdinand I. This type of coin had a wide circulation in the Romanian countries. It could have entered the country through border commerce or, to be more exact, judging by its finding condition, in a hoard, it was also mercenary payment. In the same context we can place the lion thaler issued by Westfriesland in 1614. The small accumulations placed on the road to Călăraşi could have been lost during troop movement, in Wallachia, in the unsecure years following Michael the Brave’s reign, in which Poland, the Hapsburgs and the Ottomans fueled the fight for the throne with troops and money. |
Paginaţia | 257-261 |
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