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Un tezaur roman târziu de bronz, descoperit la Târgu-Jiu / A Late Roman Bronze Hoard from Tg. Jiu

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The hoard we are dealing is a sample of a find preserved in the private collection of Mr. Nicolae Florin Becheru. Despite the fact that it is only partially preserved, the unusual composition of the hoard for this region determined us to publish it. There are only five bronze coins ranged from the period 330-335 to 395-401. Hoards made of bronze coins from the 5th century AD were found in the region nearby the Danubian limes. The reverse types of the coins preserved are VIRTVS EXERCITVS, FEL TEMP REPARATIO and VIRTVS EXERCITI.
Pages 117-120
Title of the Volume
  • Cercetări Numismatice: CN; VIII; anul 2002