Numismatic Research Magazine

Author guide/peer review
Editorial norms(pdf)

Peer review policy

Cercetări Numismatice magazine aims to raise the quality of the studies published in its pages by observing the practice of reviewing studies by specialists already established in the numismatic field.
The peer review procedure is carried out by specialist references selected annually, according to the following stages:

Stage 1. - Initial evaluation - All articles/studies/reviews will be read by the editors and evaluated, at this stage technical adjustments will be made, depending on the findings, such as: lack of notes, lack of parts of the text, problems related to the illustration, etc., being later sent back to the authors.
The maximum period from sending the article to receiving the initial response is 4 weeks.
Articles/studies/reviews that meet the minimum criteria will automatically proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2. - Review by experts - Each article/study will be read and reviewed (according to the attached model) by a specialist referee, the author of the article will not be mentioned when the paper is sent for review.
The review will be done within a maximum of 4 weeks from the sending of the article.

Stage 3 - Analyzing the report in the editorial office and making a decision regarding each article, followed by sending the article/study to be modified (where applicable) to the author and resubmitting it to the editorial office within a maximum of 2 weeks clearly bearing the indication of good to print.